Beyond Bilingual, Beyond Borders
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A propos: Notre plan stratégique

L’une des responsabilités du Conseil d’administration est d’aider l’école à asseoir son orientation à long terme. Le Conseil d’administration et l’établissement ont décidé de se concentrer sur les priorités suivantes (en anglais) :

1. Growth – Continue to increase enrollment and leverage the expanded campus to support retention.
2. Sustainability – Enhance the school’s sustainability by strengthening philanthropic and educational partnerships, including collaboration with multi-national companies.
3. Educational Excellence – Continue to exceed qualifications for accreditation by the French Ministry of Education and the Middle States Association by ensuring excellence in all curricular areas and capitalizing on new opportunities in mathematics and science.
4. Technology – Utilize new and evolving technologies for all facets of school improvement, including educational programming, communication, marketing, and admissions.
5. Community – Encourage all stakeholders to pursue the school's mission and strive to build a community of global citizens.

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Cursus scolaire >

Admissions >

Vie scolaire et services >

Communauté, parents et anciens élèves >

Actualités et ressources >

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